Saturday, November 17, 2007

Inzamam favours Malik as captain

Beleaguered Pakistani captain Shoaib Malik is under attack for his uninspiring leadership but his predecessor Inzamam-ul Haq has supported the young skipper, saying it was a right decision to extend his term for another year.

"I think the board took the correct decision by naming Malik as captain till end of 2008 and they need to support him," Inzamam said after Pakistan lost the five-match ODI series against India with one game to spare.

The Pakistan Cricket Board earlier this week extended Malik's term as Test and ODI captain until 2008 but Inzamam was not sure they will continue with the young captain if Pakistan also lost the Test series in India.

"I know that our people can't stand defeat specially against India and if we lose the Test series than these board officials might try to save their positions by making Malik the sacrificial lamb," Inzamam was quoted as saying by a Pakistani daily.

"Malik is clearly under pressure after losing the ODI series to India. But the Indians have played very well and they have not allowed Pakistan into the game except for Mohali," he added.

Inzamam, who stepped down from the captaincy following Pakistan's ODI World Cup debacle in the West Indies and subsequently announced retirement from international cricket earlier this year, is commentating for a private television channel in India during the ongoing series between two teams.

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